Kleppesjøen | |||
![]() Foto: Matt Duke | |||
Nivå | Nivå 1 | ||
Dybdeforhold | 10m til 40m | ||
Posisjon | 60.184443 N, 5.152116 E | ||
| |||
Sted: Kleppesjøen
Dybde: 10-40 meter
Nivaa: Nivaa 1
Kjore tid fra Bergen: 50 minutter
Fyllemuligheter: Nemo Classic Diving, Bergen Froskemannssenter
From Bergen, drive towards Sotra. Go over the Bridge, and keep going until you hit the roundabout. Here you shall take a left turn and take the 555 round South. Stay on the road for about 40 minutes until you reach Kleppe. Then take the sharp right hand turn sign posted Kleppesjoen which takes you to the Bay.
PS! It is not allowed to park at the parking space in the island. Your car will be towed away, so park before you reach the island across the bay. Only boat- and caravan owners are allowed to park there.
The Diving
This is a site made up of three distinct types of marine enviroment. You have a dramatic 40M wall, an excellent area of huge boulders teaming with life and finally an interesting shallow water kelp forest. If you get bored with dive sites easily, then Kleppesjoen is for you!
Diving the site isweather dependant. Stong westerly winds make diving outside of the bay dangerous. If you get blown out, you can dive from within the bay and have a bimble around on the sand.
Assuming that the conditions are good, I find a fun dive to be the following: Climb over the carpark wall, (Or walk around to the left if you want) and then walk down to the waters edge. There are normally some waves here, which can make for an interesting entry! The photo below gives you an idea of what it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s like on a fairly calm day.
Having entered the water, you follow a progressivly steeper slope to about 30M. Take your time! There is much to see around here, hidden in cracks and burried in the sand. Having reached about 30M, take a right hand turn. This is a truely awe inspiring section of wall, which turns with you to the right. Hovering at 30M, you will see the sandy bottom at 40M, and looking along it you will see it gently shelving up to 30M in the direction of the wall. If you like Floating in spacethen you will have a big smile at this point. Dont let the deep dragons take you, and be sure to monitor your depth.
Following the wall the sand will soon be coming up to meet you at about 30M. Again be sure to keep your eyes open, and look in the sand for such graceful creatures as Thorn back Rays. Keep swimming along the wall and at about 20M you will reach the boulder bed section. This is a brilliant spot to use that expensive torch. These boulders are huge, and all of them seem to be home to a multitude of different creatures.
Having reached the boulder bed, you will now be able to swim to the left and reduce your depth to about 15M. Dont swim too far out to the left as you will be in for a long walk surface swim if you do. I like to swim out to the left at 20 M for ten minutes, and then return back at 15-6M in the kelp forest. The kelp forest again houses loads of life, and you will be mugged by a crowd of colourful wrasee who are hoping you will crack open a sea urchin for them.
As you surface, you will be able to get out onto the rocks. Its not too hard, but can be a challange in very bad weather. This is another good reason for not diving when the water is too rough. You will see a house to your left, and the car park you came from is out to the right. Simply walk down to the road, and take a stroll back to you car, no doubt chatting furiously about all the cool things you have just seen!
Common sightings
- Anemones
- Crabs
- Hydroids
- Wrasse
- Scorpion Fish
- Pollack
- Angler Fish
- Thornback Rays
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